Primitive Technology: Stone Axe (celt)
The manufacture of a stone ax including the handle from using only primitive tools and materials. It is a celt (pronounced "selt") a type of ax with a polished stone head wedged into a hole or mortise at the end of a wooden handle (not to be confused with a "Kelt" referring to a Celtic person). The head took about a week and a day to make as I chose to make it from a particularly large piece of basalt. The hammer stone used to shape the basalt was of quartz. This involved hammering, pecking, grinding and polishing the head into the final shape. The handle took a day and a morning to make. A chisel was made from stone and a mallet made from a log. These were used to cut the tree for the handle and shape it once down. Fire was used to harden the wood and also to help shape the mortise. The ax was then used to cut down a tree the day after the handle was a tree itself. It is a more efficient tool for felling trees than the hand ax I made and at the time of uploading this video has cut down 4 trees which I will use later. Because this stone axe is blunter than a steel one, the blade needs to hit the tree at angles greater than 45 degrees- otherwise the blade would glance off. So celts were used more like wedges than modern axes.
原始技术:石斧 (celt)
仅使用原始工具和材料制造包括手柄的石斧。 它是凯尔特人(发音为“selt”)的一种斧头,抛光的石头楔入木柄末端的孔或榫眼中(不要与指凯尔特人的“Kelt”混淆)。 头部花了大约一周零一天的时间来制作,因为我选择用一块特别大的玄武岩制作它。 用于塑造玄武岩的锤石是石英的。 这涉及将头部锤击、啄击、研磨和抛光成最终形状。 手柄花了一天零一个早上的时间来制作。 凿子是用石头做的,木槌是用原木做的。 这些被用来切割手柄的树并一次成型。 火被用来硬化木头,也用来帮助塑造榫眼。 在手柄本身是一棵树的第二天,斧头就被用来砍树。 这是一个比我制作的手斧更有效的砍树工具,在上传此视频时已经砍下了 4 棵树,我稍后会用到。 因为这把石斧比钢斧更钝,所以刀刃需要以大于 45 度的角度击中树——否则刀刃会滑落。 所以凯尔特人更像是楔子而不是现代斧头。